Wednesday 8 August 2012

A Bow To The Stronger Sex

A Bow To The Stronger Sex

To the being that carried you for nine months in her womb, the being that's been there for you from day one. To the being that stayed up all night because you felt like throwing mini tantrums, to the being that chased away monsters in your room...

Take a bow, for she deserves it.

This is the being that taught you to utter the words 'mama', patiently showed you how to tie your shoe laces, packed your first ever lunch box to school. She told you to "eat your veggies", taught you how to brush your teeth, polish your shoes.

This is the being that worked extra hard to ensure that you get only the best. She sacrificed her dreams for you, went through humiliation to put food on your table. Took on any job so she could support your dreams. This is the being that was told she's only good with pots and cooking utensils. The being that was relegated to a supporting role by society. The being that was told to "know her place"

Take a bow… it's the least you can do.

To the being that put up with your teenage-hood 'wisdom', the being that listened to your shallow ideas when you thought you were 'cleverer'. To the being that knew it wasn't alright even when you claimed otherwise. This is the being that told you it'll be ok when everything else indicated the opposite.

This is the being that can take on almost any role. She's been your doctor when you were sick. You're teacher when you needed one. She's been a financial adviser, a true friend when you could do with one. She's been your therapist, sometimes a dad when the need arises.

Take a bow… it's her month.

She is a woman, a mother, a sister. She's a comforter, a fighter. She rocks the cot and conquers the corporate world. She cooks gourmet meals and still takes on the world with ease. She's a disciplinarian, a lover. She is, a woman.

Take a bow to the stronger sex.