Monday 11 November 2013

LWTF Premier: The Rich, the famous, the sobs and the OMG costumes

Mandela LWTF Cast with Winnie, Kathrada and Graca
Mampho Brescia with her OMG number

The premier of the much anticipated movie, Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom was held during the past week in Rosebank. The movie, produced by legendary South African film maker Anant Singh, saw its premier showing draw the country's rich and famous to the event.

The movie chronicles the life of elder statesman Nelson Mandela from his days of activism, through Rivonia trial, his time inn Robben Island, his release from jail and eventual ascension to the highest office on the land. Starring as tata is British actor Idris Alba alongside fellow Britton Thandie Newton. The pair was also present at the premier. When asked about how he felt about playing the Mandela role Idris Alba responded by saying "South Africans love their Madiba, I had to give it everything I have".

Among the A-listers were billionaire Patrice Motsepe and his wife Dr. Precious Moloi-Motsepe. Any event would be blessed to have the two present. Although the pair had to duck later on, their presence was certainly felt at the venue. Motsepe and his wife had to appear at the African Fashion Awards, which were held on the same night across the Juskei River in Pretoria. It's reported that Dr. Precious Moloi Motsepe change her outfit two times when she got to the fashion awards, making it a total of three outfits in one night. At least we know she can afford it. Her taking the fashion event that serious is also understandable since she funds the awards.

Also present at the premier was Patrice Motsepe's sister who is married to Justice Minister Jeff Radebe. Minister Radebe sobbed uncontrollably during the showing of the movie. Either Anant Singh is a great film maker or the story line itself was enough to relive the wounds of the past. Maybe it was a combination of both.

Completing the circle of brothers-in-law was another business mogul, ANC deputy president and Jeff Radebe's brother-in-law Cyril Ramaphosa. Ramaphosa was flanked by his wife, who is Jeff Radebe's sister.

Besides the filthy rich and Hollywood stars that graced the premier of the movie, some real Mandela's also pitched. One such was Nelson Mandela's ex wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. She took the opportunity to give Thandie Newton thumbs up for her role as Winnie in the movie.

Critics have given the movie a thumbs up, but it did not help it escape the usual criticism that other movies like itself face. The producers have been criticized for opting to go with international stars instead of South Africans to play their fellow countrymen.

In her defending of the decision, Thandie Newton explained how the movie was targeting an international audience, and to capture that audience "You need international actors, it is like that, it is unfortunate that it's that way, but it is that way," she explained. Asked about her role, Newton said "I was not aware of how much a role Winnie played in the struggle, the movie sure helped me understand that."

Although leading roles have been given to international stars, a few roles were spared for some local actors as well. Real life couple, Tony and S'thandiwe Kgoroge play the roles of Oliver and Adelaide Tambo. The couple was also present at the premier. Also present was comedian Riaad Moosa who plays the role of Nelson Mandela's best friend Ahmed Kathrada.

Local celebrities also grabbed the opportunity to walk the red carpet at the premier.

Isibaya actress Mampho Brescia pitched spotting a daring OMG costume. Her piece looked like swimming ware laced with a see though mesh like material at the bottom. A gutsy attire at the premier of a movie celebrating the life of a great man.

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